
What I'm up to in the current moment.

Last Update:

May 6, 2024

Whats new

MVP Launched!

In April I joined a cohort organized by the Dallas Software Developers (DSD) group in which we had 6 weeks to get an MVP out the door.

Zest logo
  • React Native
  • Expo
  • Jest
  • Django
  • Python
  • PostgreSQL
  • APIs
  • Design


Zest is an app that provides recipes and prioritizes meals you can cook with ingredients on hand, meals that are within your capacity and skill level to prepare, and gives you the macros for each of those meals.

Another MVP Launched!

At the end of April, one week after the DSD MVP, Gridiron Survivor launched our MVP! Watch the release video on YouTube. We had to cut some features out to present it on time, but Phase II has begun and I am ready to make it better than ever.

I am excited to announce that I am working on a couple of projects with some incredible people I met at THAT Conference - Shashi Lo and James Q. Quick!

Gridiron Survivor Badge Logo
  • NextJS
  • Appwrite
  • Tailwind
  • shadcn/ui
  • Storybook
  • React Testing Library
  • Jest

Gridiron Survivor

Gridiron Survivor is an app that allows users to compete in an NFL Survivor pool by picking one winning team each week without repeating a team, with the last remaining participant declared the winner.

What I do for work

I'm transitioning careers as a Buyer in Procurement to Web Development and have been studying it with a focus on front-end. Currently I am continuing on expanding my skills with React/NextJS, APIs, and am learing Node.js followed by SQL via several projects as well as focusing on building my community on X, LinkedIn, and Twitch.

What I do for fun

Outisde of the work office, you'll often find me at my home office coding or playing video games. My current backlog includes but is certainly not limited to:

I'm also an avid motorsport fan in general, especially Formula 1; This year I'm rooting for McLaren and Williams! I also co-host a Gran Turimo 7 stream with my brother where we commentate on races most Sundays.

Conferences I've attended

  • THAT Conference, Austin, TX 2024

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